Shore fishing is one of my favourite sports…
I love the beach in Kells, Inch, Ballybunion, Ballyheigue, Ballylongford, Brandon Rock, Castlemaine, Castlegregory,and Fenit Pier, both off the bridge and off the Rocks. There are a lot of other fine beaches to be found all over Kerry as well. The best place to start is Fenit bridge because you can park on the bridge and start fishing straight away.
I use big feathers to fish for Mackerel and smaller feathers to fish for Herring and Bass. I use other bait as well to fish for Pollock, Mullet ,Garfish and squid. These piers form an obstruction to the tide and I find this attracts the fish. In fact bait fish find shelter around the piers. Fishing is bad for about an hour and a half before and after high tide. The best time to fish beach’s, Rocks and Piers is three hours before and after this period.
Beach fishing can be a challenge to fishermen because of the rough conditions. There are many species of fish available on the different beaches which will require both long and short casting. Rock fishing is mainly for experienced Angler’s who like to fish in a rugged environment. You can get both deep water and shallow water off of rocks, thus a large variety of fish.
I spin from the rocks using up-to 30gm lures. I also use dead bait which is called sink and draw. Sometimes I fish with a balloon and a trase of six to twelve hooks fitted with different bait from feathers to dead bait with a led weight at the end. We use a strong beach rod to cast always. The reason I do it this way is because the movement of the waves gives great attraction to the fish and you lose very little tackle by this method. When I get the first fish, the balloons bounces and I leave it in place and often get six or seven big fish together in one go.
I use the following bait regularly, sand eels, crab and rapela. I use tripods on the beach to hold the rod higher and I find this a great aid to landing good fish. Rock fishing is only available in suitable weather and I always put safety first by insisting on everyone wearing a life life jacket because of the dangers Rock fishing entails.
I also fish for Dabb, soul and sea bream which is known locally as Conor fish…

Our first Salmon Fishing Trip to Ireland will never be forgotten. Our instinct to ring Mick O’ Brien from Killarney Fishing Tours was fully justified. Mick is not only a ghillie, he instructs, he advises, he gives you a generous amount of his time, his expertise, his flies and his equipment and his knowledge is unbounded. His unerring good humour as you “tangle” with the three or four flies he makes you fish with, seems to make the whole exercise a joyous experience!
Elizabeth Harrington
Killarney International Fishing School
Tel: +353 87 122 9352 • Email: info@killarneyfishingtours.com